Bernd Berner | Art Store
The offer on Bernd Berner shows an exciting overview of the oeuvre of the German painter and graphic artist. Throughout his life, he pursues the exploration
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VAN HAM Art Estate presents "Bernd Berner"
The offer on Bernd Berner shows an exciting overview of the oeuvre of the German painter and graphic artist. Throughout his life, he pursues the exploration of the themes "surface - color - space", which leads to his expressive surface spaces. The nuanced and differentiated overlapping and condensation of the color surfaces creates a pulsating effect that captivates the viewer.
Since 2016, VAN HAM Art Estate represents the artistic estate of the German painter. For more information on the VAN HAM Art Estate, please visit the official Homepage. Online you can find the artist's catalog raisonné.
The painter Bernd Berner (1930 - 2002) is one of the important representatives of the abstract art of the German post-war modernism. Based in Germany, France and Switzerland, he became known for his expressive monochrome and meditative "Flächenräume" (surface spaces) from the 1950s to 2000s. His works can be found in the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, the Nationalgalerie Berlin and the Kunstmuseum Wiesbaden.
Already in his early days, Bernd Berner turned to abstraction. In the 1950s he was profoundly influenced by his encounter with Willi Baumeister as well as his book "Das Unbekannte in der Kunst" (The Unknown in Art). In the context of German Informel, Berner works with scriptural condensations and contrasting colors in his works.
In the 1960s, the artist begins with his "Flächenräume" (surface spaces). The paintings of this period are characterized by expressive colors and an abstract formal language. Together with Klaus Jürgen-Fischer, Eduard Micus, Erwin Bechtold and Rolf-Gunter Dienst, he founded the group SYN in 1965 (until 1970). Berner finds inspiration in the idea of a holistic art beyond the definition of a formalism represents. The geometric works of the SYN period are close in color and form to the prevailing Pop Art of the 1960s.
In the 1980s Berner intensified the expressive representation of the surface spaces through trickles of running color, which appears at the edges of the picture as an element in its own right. The different layering of color gives the paintings an effect of depth.
In the 1990s, the impasto color surfaces in Berner's works were superimposed by dynamic structures. The gesture of the surface spaces, whose strong luminous to pastel hues achieve a lively atmosphere, appears open and expressive.
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For more information on the artist, please visit Bernd Berner's official homepage: