Lot 7 | Frank Thiel | Stadt 5/06/A (Berlin)
Lot ends
07T 16h:25m:51s
(Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 6:06:00 PM)
- 7.000
* F
Starting price
5.000 €
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1966 Kleinmachnow
Title: Stadt 5/06/A (Berlin).
Date: 1997.
Technique: C-print.
Depiction Size: 145 x 198cm.
Sheet Size: 175 x 230cm.
Notation: Signed, dated, numbered, titled and inscribed (verso).
Number: 1/3.
Frame: Framed (182 x 236cm).
Verso mounted. Otherwise in very good condition. Not examined out of the frame.
- Art & Public, Geneva (label verso)
- Galerie Daniel Varenne, Geneva (label verso)
- Corporate collection Germany
Estimated shipping cost for this lot:
The lot is unsuitable for parcel shipping. Shipping only by forwarding agent by arrangement after the auction.
1966 Kleinmachnow
Title: Stadt 5/06/A (Berlin).
Date: 1997.
Technique: C-print.
Depiction Size: 145 x 198cm.
Sheet Size: 175 x 230cm.
Notation: Signed, dated, numbered, titled and inscribed (verso).
Number: 1/3.
Frame: Framed (182 x 236cm).
Verso mounted. Otherwise in very good condition. Not examined out of the frame.
- Art & Public, Geneva (label verso)
- Galerie Daniel Varenne, Geneva (label verso)
- Corporate collection Germany
Estimated shipping cost for this lot:
The lot is unsuitable for parcel shipping. Shipping only by forwarding agent by arrangement after the auction.
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Conditions of this Lot
Statutory Turnover Tax, VAT is declared
27.00 % buyer’s premium on the hammer price
19.00 % VAT on the total of hammer price and buyer’s premium
Droit de suite
plus artist resale right fee of 1.5% on the hammer price up to € 200,000
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Frank Thiel Germany Photographs Contemporary Art 1990s Cityscape Photography C-print Architecture
Stock Id: 80385-1