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Lot 14 | Bernard Schultze | "durch Land und Zeit"

20.000 - 25.000 €
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Auction results from: Bernard Schultze
1915 Schneidemühl - 2005 Cologne

Title: "durch Land und Zeit".
Date: 1996.
Technique: Oil on canvas.
Measurement: 200 x 250cm.
Notation: Signed and dated lower right: Bernard Schultze 96. Signed, dated and titled on verso upper right: Bernard Schultze 1996 "durch Land und Zeit".
Condition: For a condition report, please contact Ms. Janine Breidenbend at j.breidenbend@van-ham.com.

In the mid-1990s, Bernard Schultze was at the peak of his artistic career. He preferred to create large formats in which the artist achieved a luminous blaze of colour and created pictorial worlds which, despite their non-representational nature, could take on a spatial and thus landscape-like character. He always assigns the associative titles afterwards. They form the conclusion of the work on the painting, which can sometimes last for months or years, during which the artist puts the canvas away and takes it out again, continues or discards what he has started, adds new layers and juxtaposes painting techniques. Dr Stephan Diederich, author of the catalogue raisonné and curator at the Museum Ludwig in Cologne, describes this working method as follows:
"The labyrinthine [...] is also a key concept in this context. This refers not only to the resumption of previously interrupted paths, the continuation of one's own artistic history in long-term processes, but also to the actual process of creating the individual artwork. The labyrinthine principle is expressed here - concerning the successive conquest of the canvas - in a mostly spontaneous-additive approach. Schultze himself comments: "When I begin, the white canvas is never an empty surface for me, but an infinite space into which I drive my painting." Starting from one or often several points, the artist feels his way into the pictorial space, pushing a colour form a little further before letting it branch out or breaking it off, starting again and continuing in a different direction. In doing so, he rotates the canvas in various ways, changing the directional axes of horizontal and vertical, up and down, and thus creating new spatial situations during the painting process." (quoted from: Exhib. cat. Bernard Schultze - Das große Format, Museum Ludwig, Josef-Haubrich-Kunsthalle, Cologne/Galleria Communale di Arte Moderna, Bologna/Szepmüväszeti Muzeum, Budapest, Munich 1994, p. 38)
This approach is particularly easy to follow in "Through Land and Time", as the paint, which is applied thinly in places, reveals traces of flow in all directions of the canvas. Viewers can therefore try to follow the artist "through land and time" and retrace his stages, with new perspectives and details constantly emerging.

- Estate of the artist
- Folkwang-Museumsverein e.V., Essen

- Diederich, Stephan/Herrmann, Barbara (ed.): Bernard Schultze, Verzeichnis der Werke, vol. III, 1990 to 2005, Cologne 2015, p. 785, ill. p. 786, WVZ. no. 96/26.

VAN HAM Art Estate represents the artistic estate of part of the artistic estate of Bernard Schultze in cooperation with the Folkwang-Museumsverein in Essen since 2018.

Janine Breidenbend
VAN HAM Art Store
+49 221 92 58 62 105

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