Lot was sold
- 4.000
(incl. premium)
44.880 €
Date: Ca. 1772/74.
Technique: Porcelain, decorated in colours and gold.
Description: Six plates of the 435-part service for the Dutch governor William V. of Orange. The rims with scalloped-edge, splashed with blue and each with three slightly raised cartouches. These with small flower paintings and gold ornaments. In the centre of each plate one brown Rocaille cartouche with various paintings of the Durch city- and buildingscapes. Verso each the Dutch titel of the view in black handwriting.
The plates with the following views:
- de Herberg de Voetangel,
- Amstelmond,
- Amstelween,
- de Bogt van den Amstel,
- Gezigt van de Stadt Delft van te Schien te Zien,
- Vriesche-Poort te Alkmaar,
- Braak Poortnu Keeren poort te Medenblik,
- Gezigt van de Theunen en gebouren van Buiten Zorg,
- Waverveen.
The bowl with the following viwes:
- Vreiigd en Rüst by't Dorp, Voorbürg,
- De Keetenpoort te Enkhuyzen,
- Het Huis Groenstein.
Measurement: ø of the bowls ca. 21cm/ the plates ca. 20.5cm.
Mark: Swords mark with dot, painted blue under the glaze. Various potter's numbers, partly with embossed mark 'L'.
- Private collection Cologne.
- Cf. den Blaauwen, Meissen Porcelain in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 2000, pp. 344-347, catalogue number 245 F.
- Cf. Het Meissen servies van stadhouder Willem V The Meissen service of stadholder Willem V, Abraham Lambertus den Blaauwen.
- Additional pieces are listed and depicted in Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Triumph der Blauen Schwerter, p.373, cat. no. 470-472.
The so-called "Stadthouderservice" was designed in Meissen 1772. Johann Joachim Kaendler notes in his working note in October that an "ovale Terine welchen Servic vor dem Stadt Halter nach Holland bestellet is Modelliret (sic!)" (engl. oval terrine that has been commissioned by the governor to Holland is modeled (sic!)).
With originally 435 pieces it was an exceptionally large commission whose decor showcases all of the manufacturer's craftsmanship: In the centres of each plate, there are subtly painted views of the Dutch provinces and their most beautiful view after the models of Dutch copper engravings - bearing witness to the eighty-year war between Spain and the Netherlands and expressing national pride of the united Netherlands and their unification.
The wohle service has already been called twice in an auction - once in 1823 in only one lot, the second time divided into 75 lots. As a result, with the second auction in 1868, the service with its 435 pieces became scattered across the globe. Some pieces are now back in the Palais Het Loo in Apeldoorn and in the Rijksmuseum where they are accessible for visitors as Dutch heritage. Here special significance is placed on the provenance: "Willem V of Orange, Stadtholder of the United Provinces.".
Date: Ca. 1772/74.
Technique: Porcelain, decorated in colours and gold.
Description: Six plates of the 435-part service for the Dutch governor William V. of Orange. The rims with scalloped-edge, splashed with blue and each with three slightly raised cartouches. These with small flower paintings and gold ornaments. In the centre of each plate one brown Rocaille cartouche with various paintings of the Durch city- and buildingscapes. Verso each the Dutch titel of the view in black handwriting.
The plates with the following views:
- de Herberg de Voetangel,
- Amstelmond,
- Amstelween,
- de Bogt van den Amstel,
- Gezigt van de Stadt Delft van te Schien te Zien,
- Vriesche-Poort te Alkmaar,
- Braak Poortnu Keeren poort te Medenblik,
- Gezigt van de Theunen en gebouren van Buiten Zorg,
- Waverveen.
The bowl with the following viwes:
- Vreiigd en Rüst by't Dorp, Voorbürg,
- De Keetenpoort te Enkhuyzen,
- Het Huis Groenstein.
Measurement: ø of the bowls ca. 21cm/ the plates ca. 20.5cm.
Mark: Swords mark with dot, painted blue under the glaze. Various potter's numbers, partly with embossed mark 'L'.
- Private collection Cologne.
- Cf. den Blaauwen, Meissen Porcelain in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 2000, pp. 344-347, catalogue number 245 F.
- Cf. Het Meissen servies van stadhouder Willem V The Meissen service of stadholder Willem V, Abraham Lambertus den Blaauwen.
- Additional pieces are listed and depicted in Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Triumph der Blauen Schwerter, p.373, cat. no. 470-472.
The so-called "Stadthouderservice" was designed in Meissen 1772. Johann Joachim Kaendler notes in his working note in October that an "ovale Terine welchen Servic vor dem Stadt Halter nach Holland bestellet is Modelliret (sic!)" (engl. oval terrine that has been commissioned by the governor to Holland is modeled (sic!)).
With originally 435 pieces it was an exceptionally large commission whose decor showcases all of the manufacturer's craftsmanship: In the centres of each plate, there are subtly painted views of the Dutch provinces and their most beautiful view after the models of Dutch copper engravings - bearing witness to the eighty-year war between Spain and the Netherlands and expressing national pride of the united Netherlands and their unification.
The wohle service has already been called twice in an auction - once in 1823 in only one lot, the second time divided into 75 lots. As a result, with the second auction in 1868, the service with its 435 pieces became scattered across the globe. Some pieces are now back in the Palais Het Loo in Apeldoorn and in the Rijksmuseum where they are accessible for visitors as Dutch heritage. Here special significance is placed on the provenance: "Willem V of Orange, Stadtholder of the United Provinces.".
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Stock Id: 76933-21